Men love deep throat, there is no doubt about that, but not every girl or woman will decide on him. In this article you will learn some tips and tricks on how to make a deep blowjob that will lead you in the right direction. Confuse about how to practice deep throat with dildos, this article will help you out.
First, it should be noted that deep throat is based on the trust of both partners. If your partner inserts a penis into your throat, squeezes you tightly and starts pushing until tears come out of your eyes, you will most likely get a complex for life. Therefore, even among prostitutes there are women who do not provide this service.
The basis is learning
Before practicing a deep blowjob, first of all, you need to practice. Training at a partner is not ideal. Firstly, you will not surprise him later, and secondly, you will avoid many tactlessness that may arise. For a start, there will be enough banana, cucumber or dildo. Feel free to use a condom, it is more hygienic and, most importantly, it will be better to imitate a real penis with it. Start slowly. Try to put a banana in every corner of your mouth. Determine where the pressure is most, and where, on the contrary, everything is in order. Focus on the places where the gag reflex appears. If you experience discomfort, stop. Do not hurry.
Such training can also be applied during normal brushing. Every time you brush your teeth, brush your tongue in as deep as you can. Thus, you will practice the gag reflex, and during the daily “lessons” the toothpaste can be used as an imitation of sperm.
After training – directly to practice
If you feel ready, you can practice a deep blowjob. To begin with, it is recommended not to allow the partner to insert the member in the mouth completely, for the first time half is enough. At the very least, you can try how the penis behaves in your mouth (the partner will enjoy it anyway). Basically, focus on ejaculation and partner behavior. It is necessary to learn how to work with sperm, since it is not possible in the learning process. In addition, you will learn how your partner behaves during ejaculation. Some men may be so carried away with pleasure that they forget that you can stifle. With a half deep blowjob, you can safely try how deep throat looks like in practice.
And now – with “all the trim”
If you have successfully mastered the previous two points, then you, of course, got rid of the gag reflex, or, at least, learned to suppress it quickly, so you can proceed to the final part. For a full deep blowjob, the most ideal is a pose in which you lie on your back on a bed so that your head hangs slightly off the edge of the bed. In this position, everything is prepared so that the penis can reach the throat. A partner in this position can insert the penis further and further, and with the average length of the penis you should have no problems. If something does not suit you, push the partner hands.
In this position, the partner can caress your chest or lean over you and caress the clitoris with your mouth, if, of course, it is quite high, and you – on the contrary, it is low. During ejaculation, sperm does not fall on the tongue, that women who have problems with its taste or smell will greet (taste buds are on the tongue and not in the throat).
A throat blowjob is all art that oral sex can demonstrate. That he can give the partner the highest pleasure and you in his eyes to make the perfect lover. All the etiquette of love is very important, but it is deep throat will allow to open it completely.
In China, in ancient times, there existed the cult of the priestesses “White Tigress”; it was they who first began to study blow job as an art. In their understanding, it was an opportunity to preserve the beauty and youth of a woman. They believed that, along with the blowjob, the woman takes away the spiritual and physical strength of the man. The secret society, which gave out its geishas only after a strict and lengthy course of study of this sacrament, was very popular. Rich men were ready to give half, if not most, of their fortune for such a wife.
Today, little has changed since those distant times, except for the fact that the art of love has lost the spiritual value it used to be. Blowjob is still appreciated by men, and women who are able to give such pleasure, they are not ready to let go. Therefore, it is important to comprehend this art in order to become the best lover for your partner.
Types of blowjob and how to do it right
There are a lot of kinds of blowjob and it is worth practicing in each of them to make oral caress as possible varied and saturated. This knowledge is ideal not only for women who want to brighten up sex life, but also for novice girls, “forewarned is forearmed”!
The most famous and enjoyable for men are three traditional ways:
Classical: This type of blowjob is to lick the penis, which is gradually introduced into the mouth. You have to constantly keep your lips tense, as if you utter the sound “U” and at the same time squeezing your lips as much as possible, without catching your penis with your teeth. Rhythmically shake your head up and down; you can at the same time turn your head from left to right and vice versa, as if strung on a member. A tongue raised to the sky will control the depth of entry; lowered will allow you to enter the throat. You can do it slowly or quickly, watch the reaction of the partner.
Tease: In this case, you need to take the penis in your hand and expose the head. Caress the penis as if you are licking a Popsicle, start slowly holding the tongue from the base to the head and vice versa, lightly touch your lips. Maximize the movement of the tongue, move around the head groove, go deeper into the scrotum or the crown area (very exciting). You can make movements along the entire member or short quick, like a snake tongue. If you feel the tension of the penis and the partner is ready for ejaculation, take the penis deeper into your mouth to maximize the sensations and avoid spreading the semen.
Capture: You need to take the penis in your hand and expose the head; you can hold the lips and tongue several times with teasing movements. At the end of the arousal phase, your lips should close tightly around the penis, forming something like a cuff. The tongue does not stop, spend the tip of the tongue around the head, with vertical movements, try to push off from the head and move with the same speed. This method is suitable if you decide to quickly make a blowjob and do things.
It is best to combine several ways. It is very important to pay attention to the scrotum and the crown area, which is located on the border between the head of the penis and the body itself. Caress your tongue or hands, try to take the position that will allow the partner to give you pleasure, caressing the chest or vagina.